Plan your seamless transfer from 十大平台网赌下载最新 using the many 规划指南 we have with four-year colleges and universities. 这些协议 & 特殊的程序 tab includes guaranteed and dual admission programs, special scholarships and more.
你是否选择了专业,但不知道去哪里转学? 考虑下面的指南,并了解更多关于您的选择 探索高校 & 大学. You also can begin your studies with 样本转移计划 as you decide where to transfer.
BHC职业学生也可以考虑转学. We offer planning guides at Transfer from 职业生涯计划.
主要 列:点击查看指南或学校专业规划页面. 然而,并不是每个专业都有一个规划指南, 您可以查看我们转学合作伙伴提供的所有专业(点击学校名称) 大学/学院 列). 然后和你的导师一起制定一个可以遵循的教育计划.
Online Completion Available 列:“X”表示该专业转学后可在线完成. 许多这些专业也是面对面授课. 有关选择在线转学课程的指导,请参阅 Online Degree Guide (PDF).
协议 & 特殊的程序
协议 and 特殊的程序: 点击“查看信息”查看基本福利和资格, 然后打开程序链接了解如何参与!
我们的转学合作伙伴提供了许多额外的奖学金机会,所以一定要来参观 探索高校 and 大学也.
大学/学院 列: 点击学校名称进入转学录取网站.
大学/学院 | 协议 & 特殊的程序 |
奥古斯塔纳学院 | 奥古斯塔纳可能 Financial aid program that meets 100% of demonstrated financial need toward direct costs of tuition, 费用, 为符合条件的新入学学生提供住宿和膳食.
奥古斯塔纳NEXT双录取衔接协议 尽早接触奥古斯塔纳的顾问、教师、校园设施和活动.
Black Hawk Scholar AwardA $1,500 scholarship for 十大平台网赌下载最新 graduates that is renewable each year of full-time enrollment.
Columbia College Chicago | 保证转学录取计划(PDF) Guaranteed admission to Columbia’s Bachelor of 艺术s degree programs.
Eastern Illinois University | 豹的承诺 Guaranteed admission program to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree after earning an Associate in 艺术s or Associate in Science degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
Illinois public universities | Full funding for tuition and 费用. The AIM HIGH 奖学金 program is a pilot program by the State of Illinois to encourage Illinois students to attend an in-state university, improve college affordability, and reduce student loan debt. 奖学金填补了费用和其他财政援助来源之间的缺口.
Illinois State University | 红雀的承诺 Guaranteed admission program to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree after earning an Associate in 艺术s or Associate in Science degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
爱荷华州立大学 | Community College Partnership Successful completion of an Associate in 艺术s degree allows students to transfer with junior status, having met all first-year and sophomore-level general education requirements for programs in the College of Liberal 艺术s and Sciences (CLAS) and Ivy College of 业务.
路易斯大学 | 生物学 Transitions Program 在生物系修完一门专业的三年奖学金,最高可达10,000美元. 必须先被大学录取吗.
Midwest Technical Institute (转至BHC) |
MTI and BHC Partnership如果您在2018年10月之后从MTI毕业,并获得了MTI的某些证书, BHC will accept transfer credits toward an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree in Health Information 管理 or General Occupational and Technical Studies (GOTS). |
National Louis University | 艺术iculation Agreement 对于协议中认可的AAS和AA学位, NLU保证录取相关学士学位课程.
Community College Partner Program 十大平台网赌下载最新的全职员工有资格享受NLU课程的15%折扣. Some program exceptions may apply.
Direct to Success Program & 奖学金 一个专注于职业, 为社区学院转学生提供负担得起的支持学士学位途径. 相当于总学费25%的奖学金.
Community Heroes 奖学金 适用于本科和研究生学位课程的总学费*的15%. *军校学生的学费根据项目不同而不同. 英雄是:
Northern Illinois University | Guaranteed Admission Agreement Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed). 在转学前接受NIU的学术建议.
Palmer College of Chiropractic | 脊医关节协议(PDF) Follow the AS degree curriculum in the agreement to complete the first two years of the Bachelor of Science in General Science (B.S.G.S.).
St. 安布罗斯大学 | 艺术iculation Agreement (PDF) 文科副学士或理科副学士学位.平均绩点为0,满足本校通识教育的大部分要求.
Black Hawk 奖学金 每年最多20,000美元的本科学费. 直接从BHC转到SAU的学生.
Dual Admission Program & 奖学金 获得转学建议和早期转学入学指导计划. 收到一个St. 安布罗斯学生证允许访问SAU活动,俱乐部,事件和设施. 在SAU开始全日制学习时,有资格获得1,000美元的奖学金.
Guaranteed Admission Agreement (PDF) Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔分校 | Saluki Step Ahead在线计划和奖学金(SSAOP) 在满足SIUC的转学入学要求, automatic admission to the university and to specific 100% online completion majors in 会计、业务 政府, 犯罪学, 历史, 心理学 and Healthcare 管理.
Trinity Christian College | Guaranteed Admission Partnership & 奖学金(PDF) Guaranteed admission to the university to complete a bachelor’s degree (choice of major not guaranteed).
University of Illinois System
University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) 伊利诺伊大学斯普林菲尔德分校 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校
转让担保 保证被学生选择的伊利诺伊大学录取, 虽然不是特定的大学或专业.
University of Illinois Chicago | 护理:注册护士到注册护士/双录取途径 双录取途径适用于当前的高中学生, BHC护理学副学士在读生, 及在职注册护士. BSN完成计划100%在线,并在莫林当地提供支持服务.
伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校 | Transfer Admission Agreement – College of ACES (农业, Consumer and Environmental Sciences) 保证被UIUC和ace学院录取(不保证特定专业).
爱荷华大学 | 艺术iculation Agreement Letter (PDF) A completed Associate in 艺术s degree meets all general education requirements for the College of Liberal 艺术s and Sciences, the College of 教育, Tippie College of 业务, and University College. 学生仍然必须满足各自学院的世界语言要求, 多样性和包容性要求.
威斯康星大学普拉特维尔分校 | 学费的优势 Provides a discount on out-of-state tuition for eligible new freshmen and transfer students from Illinois and Iowa. It is offered only at the UW-Platteville campus and also does not apply to students in fully online programs. This scholarship is guaranteed for students who meet eligibility criteria and requires no additional application. |
Western Illinois University | Transfer Commitment 奖学金 每年2500美元奖励给符合条件的转学生(Macomb, QC或在线).
NOTE: 十大平台网赌下载最新 presents the information above as a service for our students and every effort is made to keep current. 学生应与转学学校确认项目的可用性、福利和要求.